life’s a beach

oh I do like to be beside the seaside…..

We love Norfolk! We’ve mentioned it before and it was our choice of destination for our minimoon, we have friends that live there, friends that love going there and my sis has just moved there.

We are used to having my sis and niece and their 2 dogs on the doorstep and we really miss them so went to visit today.

in he goes

I’m fine!!

again! (Max obviously thinks he is bonkers)

It was a chance for a catch up, to see their new home and to get out for a nice afternoon walk with the dogs.

Kit, liz’s other half is a Norfolk boy through and through and apart from having a love for this gorgeous county, he also has a pretty good knowledge of the place.  We had some coffee on arrival, a snoop around their lovely cottage (classic flint built with red brick koins at the corners), brunch then a stroll at Oversands.

I absolutely love the coast and particularly our beaches. JC and I used to spend every spare minute that we had walking the Dorset jurassic coast or the hills of Teesdale and Norfolk combines bits from both so it firmly has my affections.  Add to that, long sunny days spent running around naked on Holkham beach when we were kids, and I am a bit smitten. Oh to be able to afford to retire and move there for a life of loafing!!!!!

I’ll get it

it’s just there

it’s moving away (notice max has scarpered)

got it!!

I’m fine!!

I’ll just surf in, ok?

see, I told you I’d be fine

These brief interludes are not quite enough but they are so glorious.

There seems to be a long period between low and high tide and the amount of water being moved by the tides at the moment which sounds like they must be on spring tides (all connected to the phases of the moon). I know things like this from my diver coxswain days scuba diving and boating around the british coast (that’s a whole other post!!). Anyway Kit and Liz disagreed on when we should walk but we were ready to go when we were ready to go.

all mine

The tide had just started ebbing but with no real urgency which Kit had warned us might be the case (you see, local knowledge) so we had a bit of scrambling rather than a walk on the way out and we didn’t stay dry!

Needless to say the dogs absolutely loved it and didn’t give a single jot about the tide.

there ya go!

I have blogged about my sister’s fabulous but elderly terrier Puppy (official name Hamlet) who is about 12 years old. He is an interesting character and typical of a terrier which means he is not necessarily an easy dog.  Heston, who is my sis’s other dog (a 2 year old border terrier) and Max (who was 4 in July) are ‘young pups’ relatively speaking.

I ‘SAID’ it was mine

That’s as maybe but the old boy is far and away the braver of the 3.  He tackles impossibly large rocks, he has survived an unexpected tussle with an attacking badger, despatched more rats than you can wag a tail at and he has also survived a kidnapping by a local camp of gypsies.

He loves the beach as I think we all do but throw something into the waves for him to retrieve and he enjoys it even more.

I’d better keep it over here

He really is fearless in the waves and just when you think he is out of his depth and could be in trouble, the little chap just surfs back to the beach to do it all over again.

I actually think that he would do it until he dropped like a stone.

I’ll have this too just in case

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